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Tips for correct operation of plastic crusher

Issuing time:2024-06-13 10:31

1. The plastic crusher   machineshould be installed on a cement foundation. If change the working place frequently, the plastic crusher cutting parts and motor should be installed on a metal base. The power of diesel engine must be bigger than crusher, if the plastic crusher driven by a diesel engine.

2. Check the tightness of bolts and nuts on each part of plastic crusher, tightness of belts, connection of electric power, and balance of shaft.

3. Check plastic crushers blades, diameter of screen mesh, damaged or not. Rotate the bell pulley by hand to check if any jam and friction of shaft and blades.

Run plastic crusher for 2~3 minutes without feeding material inside crushing chamber, check the shaft direction is correct or not, the working sound is normal or not.

5. Pay attentions to plastic crushers condition when working, feed material evenly and uniformly to avoid jam and overload. If any vibration, cacophony happened, high temperature on bearing and machine body, too much crushed material fly out from hopper mouth, etc., please stop plastic crusher immediately and remove the faults.

6. Attention: Check the raw material and remove the stone, sand and metal parts, otherwise they will damage the blades of plastic crusher.放静音那一页.jpg不同刀具 内页.jpg

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